Youth at risk – How to prevent criminal engagement and promote youth empowerment through the European Social Fund (ESF)? - 12WS22235

Youth Empowerment


This workshop aims to inspire answers to this particular question: How could you use the ESF+ fund to support the inclusion of vulnerable youth?

To achieve one of the overall objectives of the EU Youth Strategy (2019-2027): to encourage young people to become active citizens and actors of positive change, new methods sensitive to the specific needs of youth at risk are required. Together, we will explore the experiences and knowledge gained from implemented ESF projects and how you can build further on their insights, supported by the new ESF+ fund, to foster the social innovations needed to develop such methods.

You will hear from the Committee of the Regions and the Swedish ESF Council, which will provide a strategic overview of the question. You will also gain insight into policy in practice through the experience of two ESF-funded projects where the transnational exchange of practices plays a vital role.

The two projects, Young East (Gothenburg) and MOST (Dublin), both work with tailor-made solutions to provide individual support and prevent criminal behaviour by empowering youth through societal inclusion. Young East will share its methodology of combining behavioural programmes with support measures through institutional collaborations. MOST will present its inclusion programme, while paying particular attention to its targeted work with Roma youth; an attempt to bridge the divide between the Roma community and mainstream society.

You will have the chance to interact with the speakers throughout the session using the interactive tool Slido, but there are also timeslots specifically allocated for Q&A with the audience.

European Committee of the RegionsGothenburg European Office (GEO)The Swedish ESF CouncilYoung EastSwedish Association of Local Authorities and RegionsBradog Youth Diversion Project
English (EN)


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