Increasing the involvement of women in the VET sector at regional & local level - 11WS22226

Youth Empowerment


The workshop aims to review the involvement of women in lifelong learning to overcome its significant gender gap. Even if there are no data available at EU level regarding participation of women in specific economic sectors, the Skills Agenda (notably the Council Recommendation on VET, November 2020) calls for social fairness and resilience and combats gender stereotypes.  

With a European labour market dominated by men (79.9% vs 67.3%, 2019, Eurostat), a gender sensitive approach can better respond to the needs and capacities of all citizens. Regional and local authorities can reverse the trend by including lifelong learning policies to encourage female learners to fully benefit from education and training equal to their male peers.

Making regional S3 sectors attractive to women would benefit regional prosperity. Involving education providers in this process is highly relevant to promoting cultural and behavioural changes. Teachers and students will share their bottom-up approaches with participants.

European Association of Regional and Local Authorities for Lifelong Learning (EARLALL)European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (EfVET)
English (EN)


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