ALMA: a boost for all young people’s inclusion - 11INFO22444

Information session (followed by Q&A)
Youth Empowerment


In the EU, around 13% of young people aged 15-29 are not in employment, education or training (NEETs). They are the most disadvantaged young people, falling between the cracks in the system, because of underlying difficulties such as family or personal issues, disability, or a migrant background. The ALMA initiative, which stands for "Aim, Learn, Master, and Achieve", supports mobility across the European Union for the most vulnerable young people, to help them integrate into society and the labour market in their country of origin.

This info session will focus on the regional aspect of the launch and implementation of ALMA. It will gather a panel of experts who will share their hands-on experience in the mobility of disadvantaged young people. There will be examples of stories and good practices from EU-funded projects, including testimonies from young people who have participated in a work-related experience in another Member State. The focus will be on what helps disadvantaged young people build their self-esteem, opening up their minds to new experiences and forging their own identity while discovering different cultures and, of course, providing them with the skills they need to get a job and build their future with confidence.

This session is specifically aimed at Managing Authorities and potential operating partners (i.e. PES; NGOs and third-sector, voluntary and non-profit organisations; local authorities and municipalities; job centres; employment agencies; vocational education and training (VET) providers; schools; companies, the social partners and other representative bodies linked to the labour market, including chambers of commerce and other trade associations; agencies responsible for validating skills; lifelong-learning research centres and organisations; associations and representatives of those involved in VET; guidance, consultancy and information services linked to lifelong learning…).




European Commission - DG EMPL
Deutsch (DE)English (EN)Français (FR)


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