How has supporting social inclusion helped Seraing foster biodiversity in its central district? - 13pitch22513

Exhibitor Pitch
Territorial Cohesion


The innovative solution developed under this UIA-funded project meets the social and environmental challenges of Seraing's central district. The pilot programme has achieved observable results in terms of social inclusion, land-use management and the perception and use of public spaces. The speakers will address these short- and long-term results, but will also share the challenges they have faced in implementing the project and the creative solutions developed to overcome setbacks.

Association de Redéploiement Économique du Bassin Sérésien (AREBS)Centre Public d'Action Sociale - CPAS de SeraingNatagoraUniversité de Liège (ULiège)Urban Innovative Actions (UIA)Ville de Seraing
English (EN)


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